Sunday 11 August 2013


 Health Food Supplements

Foods are the one of the main things that helps us to live.So we have to eat healthy food.How we can get healthy food?Healthy food always help our body to be kept strong enough.These foods will provide the necessary things that are needed for the proper workings of our body parts.These are vitamins, minerals,fibers,fatty acids and amino acids etc.
                                              Hence we have to take a balanced diet to live better in this world.Actually this is not mean that if we take this balanced diet we never get any sick and all.But it can help to reduce the rate of chance to get sick.So it is necessary to take balanced diet to all human beings.But the consumption of the balanced diet is always not possible; that time we have to take Dietary supplements.These dietary supplements can help to balance the amount of vitamins and minerals.


Water is the one of the main thing that the human body requires for it's proper workings.That means human body cannot work properly if it lacks water.A good suggestion to all human beings is that take atleast 15 glass of water per day.


   Try to have green vegetables in every days meals, because green vegetables provides you rich vitamins and minerals and these green vegetables are really good for kids. And also these vegetables can help you to maintain your body healthfully.


Banana is the one of the best fruit that can even cure ulcers.In banana a large quantity of potassium is there and it provides us instant energy.So never miss this to eat once in a day.

 I will come up with new tips to maintain our natural health soon.....
Thanks & Regards
From Siju

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