Tuesday 25 March 2014


human health

  • Tuesday 25 March 2014
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  • human health

    Few people know that in Italy 135,000 tons of pesticides are used annually, 30% of the total employed in the European Union . The vast majority of these toxic substances end up in the air, water, soil and food , contaminating the environment and the human population. Science has confirmed that the toxic effects of insecticides , fungicides and herbicides are not confined to the pests and weeds : they act too heavily on human health.
    human health

    PAN ( Pesticide Action Network ) is a worldwide organization that aims to provide information on the damage caused by pesticides to health and environment for sustainable agriculture free from synthetic chemicals . From 23 to 30 March the Italian branch of the organization offers the week for alternatives to pesticides , in order to inform and sensitize the population . The program includes a series of demonstrations, particularly in the city of Verona, opened yesterday with a conference on pesticides and health, and that will continue throughout the week . Italian NAP promotes the practice of pesticide -free agriculture , environmental education and knowledge of the use of pesticides in schools, in communities and among members and promotes the progressive elimination of pesticides that expose human beings to the risk of disease acute and chronic promotes the application of the precautionary principle ; invests in studies , experiments and proposals of agricultural production processes alternative to conventional or integrated production and promotes the enactment of laws and regulations at different levels of government and institutional . The president of Italy 's Fabio Taffetani PAN , Professor of Systematic Botany , Department of Agricultural Sciences , Food and Environmental Polytechnic University of Marche , is Vice President Maria Teresa Renzi, entomologist of the Department of Agricultural Sciences , University of Bologna .

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