Thursday 15 August 2013

                         Health Food Supplements

                                       The concentrated source of nutrients are called food supplements.Or the food supplements are the nutritional substances that have a physiological effect.That is the purpose of the food supplement is to supplement the normal diet.These supplements are marketted as tablets,capsules and liquids in meassured doses.If we take the food supplements appropriately it is really usefull.The first suppliment which we can take is the multivitamin that contains all the essential vitamins and minerals.

                        The food supplements fullfill the requirements of the certain nutrients in the body.The nutrients which are not we get from our daily diet.The food supplements mainly improve our immune system and also helps in synthesizing muscles.The nutritional contents of the food may be dimminsh due to the long distance transportation and pasteurization.So in that case also the food supplements are necessory.Spme are need extra nutients to their body.That is pregnant,lactating mothers,babies extra.So the dietary supplements are highly recommended.

1 Responses to “ ”

Elizabeth J. Neal said...
14 December 2013 at 21:51

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